Wednesday, June 17, 2009

10 minute blog post

okay go. I feel like I need to update this blog since it's been a week and that's a no-no in web 2.0 world. I'm so livejournal, but really never had one and have been with blogspot since 2001. you are not going to look at my old blogspot. it is full of high school embarrassment. i totally took like a 5 minute stream of consciousness break to talk to an old friend in iceland. i've been fantasizing a lot about having residency somewhere like corsica, but NOT ibiza. can you imagine the poetry/creative writing exercises that would come out of that? it would probably be a lot of one-word abstraction coupled with participles like "sex thumping." actually that is it. I took a thirty second break to make sure participle is the right word. I have no retention which is why I failed the SATs and GREs. WAH WAH. Thank god I have a personality. Sometimes. One more minute and I have to go to physical therapy. I have a post in the works about how my work out routine is so European. I remember the last time I was there my film professor told me that Europe is Dead, but I keep writing about it. Never did take that obligatory backpacking trip that all boring liberal arts majors are supposed to take. Instead I opted for South Philly, thank you very much. Blogging is hard because it really takes me 2 hours to write a post, but look how much I wrote in 10 minutes with a 6 minute break.

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